Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bettye Lavette Sings "Love Reign O'er Me"

There were three performances that stood out for me last night while watching the Kennedy Center Awards; Dave Grohl singing "Who Are You," Beyonce singing "The Way We Were" and Bettye LaVette singing "Love Reign O'er Me." The latter of which I have posted the video courtesy of YouTube above.

Let's forget comparing this singer to that singer or this actor to that actor for a moment and let's look at it this way: There are billions of people that have walked this planet; millions have tried to sing; and then there is a small percentage that gains some notoriety and then even a smaller percentage that gets honored by the President of the U.S. at such a classy and very well put together event. That's amazing to me and I'm sure those honored (Twyla Tharp, George Jones, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, Morgan Freeman and Barbra Streisand) realize that as well.

Because Barbra Streisand is so out-spoken in her political views, I forget how talented and accomplished she is: winner of a Tony, Grammy, Emmy and Oscar!!!! I would say she has done quite alright.

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