Thursday, August 25, 2011

Led Zeppelin On Jim Morrison

Apparently members of Led Zeppelin were not too impressed with The Doors' Jim Morrison. Below are some comments made about the frontman by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. I have heard Plant speak pretty glowingly of Jim Morrison, but those comments have come over the last couple of years.

Plant in New Musical Express:

“We only played with the Doors once in Seattle and it seemed like he was screwed up. He was giving the impression he was into really deep things like Skip Spence of Moby Grape. You get into a trip of your own that you don’t really realize what’s going on in the outside world. Morrison went on stage and said ‘Fuck you all’ which didn’t do anything except make a few girls scream. Then he hung on the side of the stage and nearly toppled into the audience and did all those things that I suppose were originally sexual things but as he got fatter and dirtier and more screwed up they became more bizarre. So it was really sickening to watch. My wife and I were there watching and we couldn’t believe it."

"...Morrison started saying all those strange things which nobody could get into. There were one or two people there crying ‘You’re God, you’re king’ and I was thinking why?”

Page also in New Musical Express:
"I was surprised after hearing a lot of advance publicity in England about how sexy Jim M. was. How virile and whatever. I was surprised to see how static he was live on stage.”

“Being dressed in black leather can only go so far but standing there like my father would on stage doesn’t really come across for me. As far as I could see the Morrison thing is just an embarrassment towards the audience. He would actually insult them and swear at them and his sexual thing is more an introvert thing, it isn’t so extroverted as Robert’s.”


  1. They must know better but public memory is a different ball game altogether. Later half of sixties was a good time for Morrison to be alive. The raging counter-culture with its angst ridden yearnings, primal sexuality, unhinged drunkenness and a wildly seductive notion of enlightenment- was ready for him. He came and lent a veneer of sheer sexiness to the excesses of his era.

  2. you must not know much about JM. By this time he was about to be prosecuted for lewd exposure as well as being a full blown alcoholic and fed up with his gig as The Doors frontman in general. It was NOT a good time for Morrison to be alive
